
Websites for Parents

Child Mind Institute (General Parenting and Mental Health Education and Resources) (Consortium for Science-Based Information on Children, Youth and Families)

Parent Map (Seattle Area Parenting Education and Family Events)

Balance in Mind (Lake Washington Schools Foundation Program providing resources on youth mental health topics)

Teen Wise (Coach Sheri Gazitt teaches moms to empower their daughters to conquer girl drama.).

Resources for LGBTQ+ Topics

The Trevor Project (mental health support for teens)

PFLAG (Resources for parents and families)


Self-Compassion for Parents, Susan M. Pollak

The Self-Driven Child, William Stixrud and Ned Johnson

What Do You Say? William Stixrud and Ned Johnson

The Power of Showing Up, Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

The Whole Brain Child, Dan Siegel

No-Drama Discipline, Dan Siegel

Brainstorm, Dan Siegel

Parenting in the Screen Age, Delaney Ruston

Brain-Body Parenting, Mona Delahooke

The Explosive Child, Ross W. Greene, Ph.D.

Wise-Minded Parenting: 7 Essentials for Raising Successful Tweens and Teens, Laura S. Kastner and Kristen Russell

Building Resilience in Children and Teens, Kenneth R. Ginsburg

The Gift of Failure, Jessica Lahey